Limited Release Prints

Limited Release Fine art prints mounted frameless on ridgid gatorboard with hanging mounts on the back, you can have them framed at any framer.

Calla Lilly with cannabis
Calla Lilly with cannabis

Print Options

This print is of Graham’s Brand Evergreen Queen.  This was collected just before harvest and photographed while still living to show their trichomes at the fullest, healthiest, and most mature. This image is at full resolution and can be blown up HUGE! Custom sizes and commissioned orders available.

Print Options

This print is of Graham’s Brand Evergreen Queen.  This was collected just before harvest and photographed while still living to show their trichomes at the fullest, healthiest, and most mature. I this one you actually see where I trichome became too full and popped or leaked. This image is at full resolution and can be blown up HUGE! Custom sizes and commissioned orders available.

Print Options

This print is of Graham’s Brand Evergreen Queen.  This was collected just before harvest and photographed while still living to show their trichomes at the fullest, healthiest, and most mature. The pink color comes from a pink gel over one of the lights. This image is at full resolution and can be blown up HUGE! Custom sizes and commissioned orders available.

Print Options

This print is of Graham’s Brand Evergreen Queen.  This was collected just before harvest and photographed while still living to show their trichomes at the fullest, healthiest, and most mature. This image is at full resolution and can be blown up HUGE! Custom sizes and commissioned orders available.

Print Options